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Department of Sustainable Human-Nature Relations

”Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” -Gro Harlem Brundtland

One of the original designs for BoomZista Institute logo

Some people and governments offer a one-dimensional view of solving the deep environmental issues we are having in the earth and its nature. As a matter of fact, the problems we are facing in the earth have been made from different aspects and dimensions, and so, multidisciplinary approaches are needed as solutions. For example, the effort to preserve forests and biodiversity will be effective only if it can address the cultural and economic roots of the destructive behavior of some human societies and eliminate them. In other words, we can not expect stopping this destructive behavior until the poor people of the rural areas have no choice but to destroy the forests and hunt to support themselves and their families. For this reason, from our point of view, the only way to succeed in solving the problems of the earth and nature is to value sustainable development and pay attention to all the factors that affect it.

What is Sustainable Development?
Defining sustainability is not as simple as it may seem. There are more than two hundred definitions for this word. However, the most common definition of sustainable development can be stated as follows: "sustainable development is development that meets the current needs of human beings without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." . This means that we must take care of the planet Earth, its resources and people to ensure that we can live sustainably. In addition, we can hand over our planet to our children and grandchildren to live in true sustainability. Obviously, in order to achieve real sustainability, we must balance economic, environmental and social factors with equal coordination. The main factors involved in sustainable development include (1) environmental sustainability, (2) economical sustainability, and (3) social sustainablity. Each of the above three factors includes a very diverse set of influential sub-factors. Real sustainability can only be achieved through economic + social + environmental balance. What is the difference between “sustainability” and “sustainable development”? In appearance, there is little difference between “sustainable development” and “sustainability”. The difference is quite subtle; sustainable development is the path to sustainability!

Aims and Missions
The most important goal of this department is to research factors affecting sustainable development in different communities with different cultures. We will try to convey these vital concepts to various target groups, including children, youths, their parents and grownups in general. We will try to establish effective communication with kindergartens and schools. Trying to train familiar and skilled educators/mentors to teach and transfer these concepts to different target groups is another goal of this department. Development of sustainble children is our other main mission. Going through this route will hopefully leads us to a “sustainable life” and “sustainable human”.

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