Once upon a time there was a girl. She was a really good girl and she always tried to care about herself but one time she touched the floor and then touched her mouse. Oh no, something was happening.
The bad microbes started to enter through her nose! There were a lot of microbes. Some of them were killed by saliva in the mouth but some managed to go inside the body.
The bad microbes started talking:
- Yes! We managed to go through the mouth!
- Yeah, it was tough.
- Now, we should go to her stomach if we can.
- I hope we can!
When the bad microbes wanted to enter her stomach, the good microbes and the white cells stopped them! The bad microbes didn’t know what to do but they remembered they had their special gun ready. The bad microbes started hitting them!
The good microbes started talking:
- Oh no! We should do something!
- I know what we can do! Let’s give an alarm to the brain so that it will give us something!
The white cells told:
- Guys! Let us try! Maybe we can do something
The good microbes told:
- Yeah you’re right
The white cells and the bad microbes started fighting but the bad microbes were so much that the white cells couldn’t do their work and they were tired.
Good microbes told:
- Okay! Now, we have to give alarm to the brain.
All of the cells and the organisms were panicking; they didn’t know what to do.
The good microbes gave alarm to the brain. She understood that she didn’t feel really good so she ate some yogurt. The yogurt entered her body.
Yogurt said:
- Here I am ! I will save you good microbes and white cells!
Good microbe told:
- You should!
Bad microbes started talking:
- No! Yogurt entered the body! What will we do?!
- I don’t know but let’s try our best!
The good microbes even got stronger but it wasn’t enough. The bad microbes still didn’t give up and the medicine already couldn’t help them, so the good microbes gave an alarm to the brain again. The girl understood that something was up so she drank medicine.
Medicine told:
- I see we have a really big problem but don’t worry! I will help you!
The bad microbes told:
- Oh no! What will we do?!
- We have to give up!
- Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Photo taken at the closing ceremony of the of the
International Writing & Painting Competition
Science Fair, November 03, 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan. From left to right: Nazpari Bayeamova (Director of Dunya School, Baku, Azerbaijan), Inji Bayramli (Dunya School, Baku, Azerbaijan), and Irada Khalilova (Rector of Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan).
Then, by the help of medicines, they won the fight against bad microbes.
The girl asked herself, “Why did my stomach hurt so much?” Then she remembered what she did so; she understood that she had to take care of her health and the good microbes were out of stress and they were relieved and started to do their work again.
Bayramli, I. The war between the good microbes and the bad microbes. 2022. BoomZista for Kids, 3.